Castile and León Present-day population distribution

In 1960 the urban population meant 20.6% of the total population of Castile and León; in 1991 this percentage had risen to 42.3% and in 1998 it was approaching 43%, which indicates the progressive state of rural depopulation.

The phenomenon is also reflected in the number of municipalities with less than 100 inhabitants, which was multiplied by seven between 1960 and 1986. Outside the provincial capitals, cities such as Miranda de Ebro and Aranda de Duero in Province of Burgos, Ponferrada and San Andrés del Rabanedo in Province of León, Béjar in Province of Salamanca and Medina del Campo and Laguna de Duero in Province of Valladolid.

Of the 2248 municipalities of this community, the 2014 registry registered 1,986 with less than 1,000 inhabitants; 204 from 1,001 to 5,000; 35 from 5,001 to 10,000; 8 of 10,001 to 20,000; 6 of 20,001 to 50,000; 5 of 50,001 to 100,000 and 4 municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The latter are: Valladolid (306,830  hab.), Burgos (177,776  hab.), Salamanca (148,042  hab.) And León (129,551  hab.) Among the least populated are, between others: Jaramillo Quemado (Burgos), with 4  inhabitants, Estepa de San Juan (Soria), with 7, Quiñonería (Soria), with 8 and Villanueva de Gormaz (Soria), with 9.

Below is a table showing the 20 municipalities with the largest population according to the municipal census of the INE of 2015:

Largest municipalities in Castile and León

Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (2015)

Rank                                                        Province          Pop.      

1              Valladolid                              Valladolid        303,905                

2              Burgos                                  Burgos              177,100                

3              Salamanca                             Salamanca       146,438                

4              León                                      León                 127,817               

5              Palencia                                Palencia            79,595  

6              Ponferrada                          León                 66,884  

7              Zamora                                Zamora            63,831   

8              Ávila                                      Ávila                 58,358    

9              Segovia                                Segovia            52,728   

10           Soria                                     Soria                 39,168    

11           Miranda de Ebro                 Burgos              36,173

12           Aranda de Duero                Burgos              32,880

13           San Andrés del Rabanedo León                31,745

14           Laguna de Duero                  Valladolid        22,601

15           Medina del Campo              Valladolid        21,110

16           Villaquilambre                      León                18,615

17           Benavente                             Zamora            18,550

18           Arroyo de la Encomienda   Valladolid       18,491

19           Santa Marta de Tormes      Salamanca     14,970

20           Béjar                                        Salamanca     13,724

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