The Spanish water reserve is at 51.5 percent of its capacity

With summer only a short time away, concerns are being raised as the Spanish water reserve is not yet increasing, although we do have the spring rain season yet to hit the country.

The Spanish water reserve is at 51.5 percent of its total capacity. The reservoirs currently store 28,889 cubic hectometres (hm³) of water, decreasing in the last week by 123 cubic hectometres (0.2 percent of the current total capacity of the reservoirs).

The reservation by areas is as follows:

Cantábrico Oriental se encuentra 83,6%
Cantábrico Occidental 79,2%
Miño-Sil 78,4%
Galicia Costa 83,3%
Cuencas internas del País Vasco 81%
Duero 69,7%
Tajo 62,7%
Guadiana 34,6%
Tinto, Odiel y Piedras 67,7%
Guadalete-Barbate 29,3%
Guadalquivir 25,6%
Cuenca Mediterránea Andaluza 37,1%
Segura 35,9%
Júcar 61,6%
Ebro 57,2%
Cuencas internas de Cataluña 26,9%

Rainfall has been scarce throughout Spain. The maximum has been produced in San Sebastián – Donostia with 22.0 mm (22.0 l/m²).

The post The Spanish water reserve is at 51.5 percent of its capacity appeared first on Spain Today – Breaking Spanish News, Sport, and Information.

The post The Spanish water reserve is at 51.5 percent of its capacity first appeared on Spanishvida – Spanish news in English.

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