Six out of ten Spaniards will not travel this Easter

It might not seem the case, given the expected traffic on the roads, but six out of ten Spaniards say they will stay at home this Easter.

Those who do not travel are mostly choosing not to for work and study reasons (22.3%), or economic reasons (21.8%), whereas 16.1% of those surveyed say they simply do not feel like it or have not found a plan that motivates them. Among those who will go out this Easter, the majority will visit their family (42.3%) or rest (24%), this is according to the latest survey on current affairs of the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) in March, which has just been released.

Of those who are going away, as well as visiting family or just resting, 16.5% will travel for pleasure in Spain, and 8.8% abroad. 3.6% of those surveyed had not yet decided whether or not they would travel when the study was carried out, between March 28 and 30.


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The post Six out of ten Spaniards will not travel this Easter first appeared on Spanishvida – Spanish news in English.

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