Updated Covid in Spain Data

According to the latest official balance, offered by the Health Alerts and Emergencies Coordination Centre (consolidated data as of January 27), 13,731,478 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 118,434 the total number of deaths have been reported so far in Spain.

This equates to an increase of Covid infections this week of 8,801, a figure similar to that of September 30, when 8,114 new infections were recorded. Last week the additional infection figure was 11,426, it was 17,773 the week before that, so this week there has been a noticeable drop.

Regarding deaths from Covid, this week a further 251 people have lost their lives. The figure was 424 last wee and 346 the week before.

On a monthly basis, 1,339 people died from Covid in January 2023, a figure higher than the 1,194 recorded in December, and the 823 in November, so collectively the monthly death toll has continued to increase. However, as there is always a lag between infections and deaths, normally of about 2 weeks, it is hopeful that figure with reduce for February, although every single death is a tragedy.

In Spain, the Minister of Health announced that on February 7 she will submit to the Council of Ministers the proposal to eliminate the obligation to wear a mask on public transport. Its mandatory use will remain in pharmacies and health centres, including hospitals. It is expected that next week the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System will be convened to coordinate the measures with the Autonomous Communities and Cities.

Masks on Public Transport

The post Updated Covid in Spain Data first appeared on Spanishvida – Spanish news in English.

Mark Nolan

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