<p>What type of cancer is hereditary? What are the probabilities of getting cancer? From Quirónsalud Torrevieja they clear up our doubts about cancer. Cancers are predominantly genetic diseases, mostly due to the accumulation of mutations, which...
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Medical check-ups: The tests you should have according to your age
<p>When is it advisable to start checking our health? What are the essential tests? Quirónsalud Torrevieja can answer all of our questions about medical check-ups.   We all know how important it is...
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4 Minutes
12 simple guidelines to avoid extra kilos at Christmas
Christmas usually represents a “danger” when it comes to maintaining and taking care of the waistline, since excess food can mean an unwanted increase in our weight. The answer lies in the infinity of...
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4 Minutes
Prostate Cancer: Everything You Need to Know
Dr. Sven Petry, head of the urology service at Quirónsalud Torrevieja, explains what factors we should take into account regarding prostate cancer. What is the prostate and what is its function? The prostate is...
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5 Minutes
When should you see a doctor after a breast self-examination?
Dr. Antonio Brugarolas is one of the most well-known oncology specialists at a national level, trained in the United States, he has been leading the Oncology Platform of the Quirónsalud Torrevieja hospital for more...
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2 Minutes
Pioneering new health service for international patients from Quirónsalud Torrevieja
Hospital Quirónsalud presented a new pioneering personalised health service for international patients this week. This new service, a first of its kind in the Valencian Community, is aimed at offering personalised, preferential treatment and...
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